11 November - 13 November 2012, Maresias Beach Hotel , São Sebastião, Brazil
In its second year, the Latin America Optics & Photonics Conference is the major conference sponsored by the Optical Society (OSA) in Latin America and co-sponsored by the Brazilian Physics Society (BPS). Presentations from international experts from around the world make this meeting one of the most comprehensive optics meetings and offers the attendees the opportunity not only to hear the latest results but also to interact with many of the leading scientists and developers in the optics arena.
Optical Design and Instrumentation
- Optics for Renewable Energy
- Polarization and Birefringence in Optical Design
- Lighting and Illumination Engineering
- Diffractive and Holographic Optics
- Computational Imaging and Photography
- Photonic Devices for Sensing Applications
- Optical Coherence Tomography
- TeraHertz Imaging and Applications
- Optical Metrology
- Astronomical Instrumentation
Optics in Information Science
- Optical Information Processing and Transport in the Age of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials
- Optical Signals and System in Four Dimensions
- Computational Imaging and Photography
- Wavefront Design for Information Transport and Sensing
- Optical Storage
- General Optics in Information Science
- Displays
- Optical Imaging
- LEDs based devices
- Photonics in Arts Conservation and Restoration
Nonlinear Optics
- Fundamental studies and new concepts
- Novel NLO characterization techniques
- Nonlinear Statistical Optics
- Single-photon nonlinear optics
- Slow Light
- Coherent Control
- Nonlinear Organic and Inorganic Materials
- Frequency Combs and Optical Clocks
- THz generation, spectroscopy and imaging
Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optics in Waveguides
- Quantum computing and teleportation
- Microcavity Devices
- Entanglement Generation and Measurement
- Anderson Localization of Classical and Quantum Waves
- Optical Probes of Molecular Chirality and Supramolecular Chiral Assemblies
- Quantum Communications
Atomic Physics and Laser Spectroscopy
- Atomic tests of fundamental physics
- Laser spectroscopy, cooling and trapping
- Chip traps for atoms, ions and molecules
- Quantum optics and cavity QED with atoms
- Bose-Einstein condensates
- Fermi gases
- Cold molecules
- Atomic clocks
- Attosecond physics with atoms
- Atoms in optical lattices
- Quantum information processing with atoms and ions
- Artificial atoms
Optical Communications
- Novel Fiber, Guided-Wave Optics and Integrated-Optical Devices for Future Communication Systems
- All-Optical Signal Processing Devices and Applications
- Coherent communications and Superchannels
- Optical Networks for the Future Internet
- Terabit/s Systems and Beyond
- Novel Optical Amplifiers and Wavelength Converters
- Quantum Communications
Micro and Nanophotonics
- Micro and Nanofluidics systems
- Nanoplasmonics Devices and Applications
- Photonic Crystals and Optical Circuits
- Silicon Photonics
- Nanomaterials and Devices
- Nanoscale Optics Imaging
- Nanophotonics for energy
- Nanophotonics for sensors
- Nanophotonics for information processing
- Metamaterials
- Nanobiosensors
- Optomechanics
Biophotonics and Biomedical Applications
- Optical Trapping and Micromanipulation
- Optical Biosensing
- Photonic Based Therapeutic and Diagnostic
- Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Microscopy Devices and Applications
- Optical Coherence Tomography Applications
- Molecular Imaging and Nanomedicine
- Molecular Imaging in the Eye
- Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Optics
- Single-Molecule Biophysics
- General Optics in Biology and Medicine
- Semiconductor Laser and Devices
- Solid State Lasers
- Random Lasers
- High Power Laser Technology
- High-Power Continuous-Wave and Fiber Lasers
- Ultrafast Lasers
- Infrared Lasers
- Chaotic Lasers and Applications
- Extreme Light Sources
- Laser and Optical Materials
- Laser Metrology and Remote Sensing
- Laser Processing and Industrial Applications
See Website Link: http://www.osa.org/meetings/topical_meetings/laop/default.aspx
Source: The Optical Society